Pop-up news
The Pop-Up Chess Set (Kickstarter) (March 1, 2022 12:44 am)
Pop-Up Funk (Kickstarter Project) (January 26, 2020 8:05 pm)
Mind-Blowing Pop-Up Books (July 14, 2019 6:30 pm)
The upcoming World of Warcraft pop-up book (February 4, 2019 12:11 am)
2018 Meggendorfer Prize winners! (September 30, 2018 4:07 pm)


Pop-up book collector and teacher Rizal

May 24, 2016Comments off

Meet pop-up book collector, pop-up artist and our personal hero Mohamad Rizal Kapandi from Malaysia. After he bought his very first pop-up book, a new

Matthew Reinhart: Artist and Paper Engineer...

Mar 17, 2016Comments off

Matthew Reinhart is best known for his advanced and outstanding paper engineering. But it goes beyond that. Much further. Reinhart is an artist with the mind of a

Paper Engineer Becca Zerkin (interview)

Mar 16, 2016Comments off

When we did a review about The Walking Dead: The Pop-Up Book, we noticed that this amazing title is the very first pop-up book created

Rosston Meyer from Poposition Press (Interv...

Jan 15, 2016Comments off

Left: Rosston Meyer, right: Marc Meyer We’ve just published a video review on our YouTube channel about The Pop-Up Art Book. An amazing collection of

Robert Sabuda interview

Robert Sabuda, Paper Magician (interview)

Jan 06, 2016Comments off

Robert Sabuda needs no introduction to pop-up book collectors. When you take a look at the photo above with Sabuda posing between playing cards, you

Interview David Hawcock: The Walking Dead P...

Nov 26, 2015Comments off

David Hawcock is an Author and Paper Engineer of pop-up books that belong in every collection. He’s known for his large and impressive educational fold

Rockshow – A photographic Pop-Up Book...

Oct 26, 2015Comments off

Rockshow – A photographic Pop-Up Book is now available on crowdfunding platform KickStarter. Good news for pop-up book collectors who love classic rock music and