Video review Archieven - Best Pop-up Books Discover a new world of 3D books Tue, 12 Nov 2019 17:57:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Beauty & the Beast: A Pop-Up Adaptation Tue, 12 Nov 2019 17:40:38 +0000 Het bericht Beauty & the Beast: A Pop-Up Adaptation verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


In this review, we take a closer look at Robert Sabuda’s pop-up classic Beauty & the Beast: A Pop-Up Adaptation. The work of Paper Engineer Robert Sabuda needs no introduction to pop-up book collectors. Sabuda, who won the 1998 Meggendorfer Prize with his pop-up debut The Christmas Alphabet, also created the most beautiful fairytale pop-up books like Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, The Little Mermaid and one of our favorites, Beauty & the Beast.


The artwork that contains black outlines and colorful cut-outs reminds us of stained glass, that fits the theme of this love story perfectly. Vivid watercolors decorate and brighten every scene. The decors are stunning and the colors of the beast work beautifully in combination with the strong black outlines. This Sabuda heavyweight champion is one of our favorites because of the complex engineering and also because of it’s beautiful and magical artwork.

Beauty & the Beast: A Pop-Up Adaptation

Paper engineering

Beauty and the Beast is a big one! It counts five main spreads and lots of mini booklets. The first spread also contains a nice surprise. Three harmonica tunnel pop-ups with scene’s from inside the Beast’s castle. If you pay close attention to the details, you can see the tail of the beast moving from left to right through the house. It’s a brilliant way of telling a story in movement and animation. Most tunnel pop-ups are static and have scenes build up in layers so this is a real treat if you like these kind of details.

The second spread houses the head of the Beast. It’s very impressive to witness it opening up in real life! There’s a lot going on like the horns that fold out in a spectacular upward movement. Meanwhile, his eyelids open up wide and his mouth reveals his sharp teeth. All of this happens in a beautiful composition of fur and it all comes together as the Beast’s head. This is one of those pop-ups that make you wonder how it all fits into a spread when you close it.

All spreads are beautiful and interesting in a different way. In the garden scene, there are pilars that rotate and land into a perfect formation and the last spread looks like the decor of a theater. This pop-up book is really packed and together with all the mini booklets, that also contain wonderful pop-ups, it’s easy to say that this belongs on the shelve of every pop-up book collector. This book is literally a beauty and a beast!

Order at Amazon: Beauty & the Beast: A Pop-Up Adaptation

Author: Robert Sabuda
Published by Little Simon

Beauty & the Beast: A Pop-Up Adaptation

More pop-up books by Robert Sabuda

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Zahhak: The Legend Of The Serpent King Tue, 21 May 2019 21:13:19 +0000 Het bericht Zahhak: The Legend Of The Serpent King verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King, created by Iranian award-winning artist and filmmaker Hamid Rahmanian and Meggendorfer Prize-winning Paper Engineer Simon Arizpe, is an impressive pop-up book like you’ve never seen before. It retells the Persian tale of Prince Zahhak who was easily convinced by the devil (Angra Mainyu) to murder his father King Merdas and take over the throne. Zahhak, meaning ‘he who has 10000 horses’, would rule the kingdom with his army for a violent and bloodthirsty 1000 years.

The Emergence of Snakes

The evil spirit, disguised as a cook, fed Zahhak with blood and the flesh of animals and one day Ahriman merely asked to kiss Zahhak on his two shoulders, which he agreed. Then Ahriman touched Zahhak’s shoulders with his lips and vanished. At once, two black snakes grew out of Zahhak’s shoulders. They could not be removed, for as soon as one snake-head had been cut off another took its place.


Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King is Hamid Rahmanian’s illustrated adaptation and one of the many tellings from Hamid’s masterpiece Shahnameh: The Epic of the Persian Kings, a book that counts an impressive 592 illustrated pages of digitally composed artwork collages. Shahnameh, also known as “The Book of Kings”, is a 1000 years old epic poem written by Abolqasem Ferdowsi, one of Persia’s greatest poets. Shahnameh, part historical and part mythical, is the world’s longest epic poem written by a single poet. Hamid Rahmanian took the effort to create an illustrated version of Shahnameh, which took him 10.000 hours of research to collect over 8000 pieces from miniatures of Persian manuscripts and lithographs from different eras. He and his team digitally cut-out all the pieces to combine spectacular collages that are composed into impressive scenes that tell the stories of Shahnameh. Some of the collages contain artwork combined from 33 manuscripts and Hamid managed to preserve the authentic look and feel by carefully selecting art that suits the stories very well.

“For the first time ever, a tale from the Persian Book of Kings springs to life in this stunningly produced and ingeniously crafted pop-up book.”

One day, Hamid Rahmanian visited a conference about Shahnameh in Toronto. To his disappointment, it was long and mostly boring. So he got inspired to create his own telling, using the rich culture of Persian art. He wanted to create something interesting for a more broader and younger audience. Something that would connect with an audience that already loves stories like Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. Hamid saw that potential in Shahnameh and started collecting over a hundred books with historical Persian artwork. Hamid decided to not create his own artwork and took the effort to assemble collages of cut-outs, only using original Persian school artwork from the books he gathered.


The collages, that are digitally created by stacking cut-out elements as layers, formed a perfect base to create a pop-up book. By using pop-ups with multiple layers, the collages aren’t flat anymore and reveal what’s hidden behind the overlapping elements. This makes it even more interesting to see how the scenes are built and what elements are used to tell the story. It’s the perfect medium for this kind of artwork that has many secrets hidden behind each layer.

Paper Engineering

The paper engineering by Simon Arizpe is really impressive and full of surprises. It’s amazing to see how everything fits inside this packed book. Some of the giant pop-up scenes also reveal mini booklets with the most beautiful details. There’s also a lot of animation and rotation going on. One of our favorites is Feraydun on his horse in Zahhak’s dream. It stands up and rotates with a two-way mechanism that also points towards Zahhak who peeks back with an eye that opens right on time. The engineering of Zahhak is subtle and impressive. It respects the artwork and adds extra depth and animation to the endless layers and pieces.

We had the opportunity to ask Simon Arizpe some questions about Zahhak and his work as a Paper Engineer. Click here to read the interview!

Order at Amazon: Zahhak: The Legend Of The Serpent King

Concept, art & design by Hamid Rahmanian
Paper engineering by Simon Arizpe
Text by Ahmad Sadri & Melissa Hibbard
Published by Fantagraphics Books

Useful links and resources:

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Pixar: A Pop-Up Celebration Fri, 26 Oct 2018 12:59:21 +0000 Het bericht Pixar: A Pop-Up Celebration verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


Matthew Reinhart keeps creating the most wonderful and luxury Disney pop-up titles. We can now add Pixar: A Pop-Up Celebration to the list. With five spreads and four movies represented in every spread, all Pixar movies are covered in this book. At first, you may think, where are all the big pop-ups? But here comes the fun part: the pop-ups hidden behind the side flap covers are so advanced, they all could be used as bigger pop-up designs. But that would make a 20 pages pop-up book. So this clever solution solves the problem and gives room for all movies in one book.

“This pop-up book is dedicated to all the dreamers, storytellers, and magic makers at Pixar Animation Studios”


Not only the movies are represented but also the famous and adored Pixar shorts. Tiny film strips that can be pulled, reveal artwork of the Pixar shorts starting from the real classic ones like Tin Toy and Luxo Junior, which became the main character of Pixar’s intro. Luxo Junior even got his own pop-up in the center of the first spread. The center space of every spread is used for a smaller pop-up that tells the story about Pixar and how a Pixar movie is made.

Pixar Pop-Up Book


We keep saying this about almost every Reinhart book but it’s unbelievable that Matthew did all the artwork himself. Imagine how much work it must be to design both the pop-ups and artwork. The typical Reinhart style of watercolor textures and cut-out artwork fits the world of Pixar perfectly! The beautiful cover designs of the side flaps are a fun introduction of what’s hidden behind and invite you to open up the pop-up. And what’s behind will certainly not disappoint you. Pixar characters come to life and literally jump out of the side flaps. For the real Pixar fan, it’s a unique experience to see all movies in this artistic watercolor/papercut style which adds an extra layer of depth to the characters.

Pixar Pop-Up Book

Paper Engineering

As we said, the side flaps contain very advanced and detailed pop-ups. Also, every pop-up has its own “animation” action going on. If we say animation, it may not be what you think. It’s not “animation” like in a Pixar movie but it’s the way a pop-up moves when you open them. This kind of animation adds extra action to the pop-up and makes it look like the movement is part of the story. It’s a bit hard to explain but you’ll have to see our video review to understand what animation we are talking about. A good example would be the pop-up of the Cars 3 movie where one car spins on top of the other during a race.

Every Pixar fan will agree that this unique pop-up book really is a celebration of all Pixar movies!

Order at Amazon:
Pixar: A Pop-Up Celebration
Pixar (Limited Edition): A Pop-Up Celebration

Author: Matthew Reinhart
Published by Disney Editions

More Pop-Up Books by Matthew Reinhart

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Beyond the Sixth Extinction Sun, 07 Oct 2018 15:44:15 +0000 Het bericht Beyond the Sixth Extinction verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


In this review, we take a closer look at the latest pop-up book created and written by Shawn Sheehy titled Beyond the Sixth Extinction. It’s a gigantic book with eight pop-up spreads and many pages that contain beautiful artwork created by Jordi Solano. This 3.2 pounds book is a real heavyweight champion! And not just literally speaking. The subject this book is about, looking beyond the next global mass extinction, isn’t a bedtime story for kids. Categorized as Science Fiction, Beyond the Sixth Extinction is a very interesting read that makes you wonder and fear whether this dark and morbid future could ever become a reality?

“Take a long step forward into the year 4847 with the help of stunning pop-ups portraying eight fantastical creatures.”

Beyond the Sixth Extinction

Beyond the what?

In case you didn’t know, the Earth has already witnessed five global mass extinctions. The best-known cause for one of these is the impact of an asteroid that killed all dinosaurs on earth during extinction number five. The most destructive one, extinction number three, is named “End Permian” and happened 251 million years ago. During that event, earth lost 96% of all its species because of a cataclysmic eruption near Siberia that blasted a deadly amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. The oldest surviving relative on Earth is “the living fossil” Nautilus that goes back almost all the way to the birth of complex life, 600 million years ago. It somehow survived all extinctions and now some people fear that for many reasons, humanity will end its existence. Even this persevering creature is in danger because of the sudden rise of humanity and its industry. And here comes the bad news, humanity will most certainly be the cause of the upcoming sixth extinction that is already happening right now…

The subject of this book, Beyond the Sixth Extinction, is all about which animals will survive this sixth extinction event and how they will evolve into a species that can live in this futuristic and toxic human environment. We travel to the year 4847 and will see a glimpse of what evolution will do to eight of these survivors.


The artwork created by Jordi Solano is breathtaking. This book is packed with detailed illustrations that are realistic and also bit dark with a fantasy twist. It reminds us of those illustrations that you used to see on classic biology class posters. It’s a perfect style that fits this subject really well! The so-called Rotrap (merging of roach and trap) is one of our favorites. This creature, that looks like a mutated rat, lives on the walls and ceilings of nuclear reaction chambers. Rotrap looks like it’s straight from a horror movie and makes rats like we know them today, look like cute little animals. Below: a gallery with some artwork highlights of the creatures in this book.

Paper Engineering

The paper engineering in Beyond the Sixth Extinction is surprisingly solid. All eight pop-up spreads look mechanical and organic at the same time and fold in-and-out with ease. It’s a book full of complex and mostly a-symmetrical compositions that display the creatures as paper sculptures. Our first introduction of Shawn’s work as a Paper Engineer was his first trade pop-up book Welcome to the Neighborwood. The look-and-feel of this book is mostly the same and has that typical crafting style that gives you the impression that the pop-ups are made out of layers colored paper instead of printed paper.

All of my artists books are created in cut paper, and I brought that style over to the trade books. It’s one of the reasons (I am told) that Candlewick got interested in my work. – Shawn Sheehy


Shawn did all the writing and really got into detail. The story starts with an optimistic report by Biologist and Chief Scientist Willek Muriday who writes about the discovery of a number of new species found in the Southwest of Lake Mishkin. It immediately sets the tone of this post-apocalyptic world in the year 4847. The story continues explaining all six extinctions and on the next page, before you know it, you’re looking at a true size 30 cm long Rex Roach pop-up. The flap on the right page of the pop-up spread reveals specific information like the creatures diet, size, habitat, lifespan, bioremediation, interspecies relationships and more. The next page continues to tell more about the creature and its history. In the end, there’s a detailed and beautifully illustrated Ecosystem about the Cago district that connects all species and maps their ecological relationships. You can tell by the way how detailed this scenario is written, that Shawn went really deep into the subject and philosophy about how these creatures evolved into survivors of the “new World”.

Beyond The Sixth Extinction is a real luxury book and eyecatcher about a fascinating subject that combines biology and science fiction. One of the biggest and most heavy pop-up titles in our collection! It is already available for pre-order at Amazon and will be released on October 9th.

We also had the opportunity to interview Shawn and ask him about his work and what inspired him to create this pop-up book. Read the interview…

Order at Amazon: Beyond the Sixth Extinction: A Post-Apocalyptic Pop-Up

Author: Shawn Sheehy
Illustrated by Jordi Solano
Published by Candlewick Studio

More Pop-Up Book Recommendations

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Necronomicon Pop-Up Book Mon, 12 Mar 2018 00:46:49 +0000 Het bericht Necronomicon Pop-Up Book verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


We finally got our hands on the brand new Necronomicon Pop-Up Book, created by Skinner and Rosston Meyer. In this review we will take a closer look at this unique combination of H. P. Lovecraft’s stories and the Art of Skinner. The Necronomicon Pop-Up Book is the most recent artbook project published by Poposition Press and it comes in two editions: The Earth Dweller Edition and The Elder God Edition. The last one contains gold and silver highlights on the cover, a custom laser etched acrylic slipcase and a signed art print by Skinner himself. You’ll find links to both editions at the bottom of this page. For this video review, we’ve captured the Elder God edition. At the end of the video you’ll also get a glimpse of the goodies that are available like the glow in the dark pins and art prints signed by Skinner.

This pop up tome of unimaginable freakish fright was inspired to become real when Skinner started working with Poposition Press a few years ago as one of the artists featured in the Pop Up Art Book. He saw what was a gateway to potential occult heresies. His horrible rattling maggot mind started to germinate ideas… What could he do to merge his love for disturbing weird horror and his own interest in the macabre pop up arts?

The Necronomicon Pop-Up Book is based on the works of early 20th century writer H. P. Lovecraft. His famous horror fiction tales, published only in pulp magazines, became legendary over years and a great inspiration for many writers, comic artists and illustrators. Lovecraft’s classic horror stories know many adaptations but this one must be the most original and graphic of all!

Skinners Necronomicon Pop-Up Book

Colorful close-ups of Skinner’s bizarre artwork captured in 3D pop-up scenes.


For those who are familiar with Skinner’s art, it will be no surprise that this pop-up book is a blast of colors and details. Fluorescent colors create high contrasts with the black outlines and heavy shadows. The details are mindblowing and force you to take a second, third and fourth look at what you’re seeing. There’s so much going on. Overall, Skinner’s artwork and the monsters he created for this horror book are even more haunting than Lovecraft’s stories and that’s exactly what a book with a theme like this needs. A match made in heaven, or maybe hell?

Paper Engineering

The paper engineering by Rosston Meyer is impressive and makes you wonder how he managed it to pack all that paper into a working pop-up. All spreads include three-dimensional structures that unfold into big and dramatic stages. It’s all build up in layers and structures. The stages and pop-ups are big and contain a lot combined techniques to make everything work. The monsters look amazing and the animation makes it look like they’re growing, crawling or grabbing. It almost literally grabs you by the throat, like one of our favorites, the monster on the Call of Cthulhu spread.

More real than ever

This pop-up book is named after the fictional Necronomicon book, mentioned by Lovecraft in The Hound, and it’s more real than ever. Skinner’s bizarre and psychedelic style reminds us of the classic cartoons and Heavy Metal album artwork from the 80’s. A perfect fit for a horror-themed pop-up like this. Lovecraft’s tales and Skinners artwork combined with Rosston Meyer’s engineering, it all looks amazing.

The Necronomicon pop-up book feels solid and the overall quality is higher than we’re used to.Most pop-ups are very detailed. So detailed that it’s almost hard to tell if they are laser cut or die cut. It’s packed with big pop-ups and all pages contain rotating info cards that you can pull out to read the story that the pop-up is based on. Details like the magnetic cover buckle and the gold and silver highlights on the cover of the Elder God Edition, make this book extra collectible.

Earth Dweller Edition

The Necronomicon Pop-Up book contains five pop-up spreads each of which illustrates key moments in seminal H.P. Lovecraft stories. The Earth Dweller Edition is the normal edition of The Necronomicon Pop-Up Book. More information…


Elder God Edition

The Elder God Edition, Signed by Skinner, includes The Necronomicon Pop-Up Book in a gold/silver foil embossed casewrap, custom laser etched acrylic slipcase and an exclusive ‘Shambling Freak’ 9″ x 12″ art print. More information…

Glow in the Dark Enamel pins

These glow in the dark enamel pins are exclusively designed by Skinner for this pop-up book. Meet Yithian, Cthulhu, Evil Meteor, Elder Thing and Necronomicon! Each pin is available individually or in a set of five.

Links and info

Published by: Poposition Press
Artist website:

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Christmas in New York: A Pop-Up Book Fri, 22 Dec 2017 20:04:29 +0000 To celebrate Christmas we would like to show you one of the most beautiful pop-up Christmas titles we have in our collection. Christmas in New York, created by Chuck Fischer and engineered by David Hawcock, is a holiday guide that takes you on a trip trough New York and shows the traditions and ceremonies people enjoy during Christmas time. There’s so much to see and discover! You’ll get front row seats at the Rockettes and the Nutcracker ballet, a shopping tour trough the history of Fifth Avenue and to top it all, you’ll celebrate New Year’s Eve at Time Square […]

Het bericht Christmas in New York: A Pop-Up Book verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


To celebrate Christmas we would like to show you one of the most beautiful pop-up Christmas titles we have in our collection. Christmas in New York, created by Chuck Fischer and engineered by David Hawcock, is a holiday guide that takes you on a trip trough New York and shows the traditions and ceremonies people enjoy during Christmas time.

There’s so much to see and discover! You’ll get front row seats at the Rockettes and the Nutcracker ballet, a shopping tour trough the history of Fifth Avenue and to top it all, you’ll celebrate New Year’s Eve at Time Square with fireworks popping out of the pages. You won’t go home empty-handed because there’s also a goody-bag at the last page with a pop-up ornament, a map of New York and a holiday card that you can use when you’re buying this pop-up book as a holiday gift.

“You’ll get front row seats at the Rockettes and the Nutcracker ballet”

The rich and colorful artwork by Chuck Fischer combined with the paper engineering by David Hawcock makes this pop-up book even more more magical. Together with the text and photo’s of many Christmas events and locations, this book is a long and fun read that will tell you everything you need to know about how Christmas is celebrated in New York.

Christmas in New York: A Pop-Up Book

Christmas in New York is a collectable pop-up classic that is out of print for a while. We provide links to sellers on Amazon but please make sure to get a new copy for a fair price or a used copy that is like new. We also had an interview with Chuck Fischer about his work and what inspired him to create this pop-up book. Click here to continue to the interview.

Order at Amazon: Christmas in New York: A Pop-Up Book

Author: Chuck Fisher
Paper engineering: David Hawcock

Cover design: Joel Avirom
Text: Anne New Garden
Publisher: Bulfinch Press

About the Author
Chuck Fischer is a New York City artist whose paintings hang in some of the finest residences in the world. His designs have been reproduced on china for Lenox and home furnishings, including wallpaper and fabrics in the permanent collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. He is the author of two previous pop-up books, The White House and Great American Houses and Gardens.

More Pop-Up Books by Chuck Fischer

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How Santa Really Works: Fabulous Pop-Up Edition Sun, 17 Dec 2017 23:08:35 +0000 Where does Santa live? How does he know what you want for Christmas and where do all the toys come from? How Santa Really Works not only gives answers to these questions, it also takes the reader on a journey trough the World of Santa Claus and shares all the secrets you always wanted to know. Snowy landscapes, the Letters Department, Santa’s workshop, lots of Elves and a spectacular Christmas party for Santa’s workers, it’s all in this fabulous pop-up edition of How Santa Really Works. “Have you ever wondered how Santa knows exactly what you want for Christmas?” This […]

Het bericht How Santa Really Works: Fabulous Pop-Up Edition verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


Where does Santa live? How does he know what you want for Christmas and where do all the toys come from? How Santa Really Works not only gives answers to these questions, it also takes the reader on a journey trough the World of Santa Claus and shares all the secrets you always wanted to know. Snowy landscapes, the Letters Department, Santa’s workshop, lots of Elves and a spectacular Christmas party for Santa’s workers, it’s all in this fabulous pop-up edition of How Santa Really Works.

“Have you ever wondered how Santa knows exactly what you want for Christmas?”

This beautiful Christmas pop-up book already is a collectable classic. How Santa Really Works is out of print for a while and we would love to see it back in the market one day. This pop-up edition was published back in 2010 by Simon & Schuster and as we speak last copies are getting sold. This makes it a lot more difficult to get one for a fair price but it’s all worth it, especially for a pop-up book collector.

How Santa Really Works Pop-Up Book


The illustrations by Alan Snow literally jump of every page together with the pop-ups. The rich and colorful artwork is a joy to look at. And just like the original, this book also contains a lot of humor and jokes what makes it a fun read. The amount of details is stunning and there’s so much going on, you just can’t get your eyes of it. Every single piece of paper in this book is printed on both sides what makes the pop-up spreads in this book even more interesting to look at from different angles. Alan Snow did a great job merging and expanding the orignal artwork into three dimensional pop-up scenes. It really works!


We don’t know which came first; the artwork or the story? We can be sure about one thing, it all fits together perfectly. The text makes it more fun to study the illustrations and vice versa. Alan Snow’s vision of Santa’s World is a amusing and a fun read, even for adults. The story of How Santa Really Works brings everyone in the mood for Christmas. Our favorite is the Letters Department spread. It’s the most simple pop-up spread in this book but the handwritten letters steal your heart right away. The most adorable stories are hidden behind tiny lift-the-flap postcards who are addressed to Santa Claus.

Paper engineering

The paper engineering by Maggie Bateson is solid, straight forward and almost feels like it’s inspired on the work of classic Paper Engineers like Vojtěch Kubašta. There even are some movable parts what also makes it more fun and interactive. Every pop-up spread is sturdy and pops-in and out with ease. The strong paper that is used for the pop-ups also contributes to the total strength of the pop-ups. All together this pop-up book really is “kid proof” and pop-ups won’t tear that easy.

Order at Amazon: How Santa Really Works: Fabulous Pop-Up Edition

Paper engineering: Maggie Bateson
Text and illustrations: Alan Snow
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

About the Author
Alan Snow was born in Kent. After studying fashion at Salisbury College of Art, he worked in various trades, including tree surgery, sound engineering, animation, papermaking and mixing flavours into yoghurt. He is the author of The Truth About Cats and How Dogs Really Work.

More Pop-Up Books About Santa Claus

Het bericht How Santa Really Works: Fabulous Pop-Up Edition verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.

The Superhero Adventure Playset Fri, 08 Dec 2017 23:12:21 +0000 This fold-out carousel titled The Superhero Adventure Playset is huge! Inside this pop-up book, that is a perfect stage for ultimate superhero battles, you’ll find three beautifully illustrated scenes: the awesome cityscape by night, the fearsome Fire Ice Caves that are too hot to handle, and the evil villain’s Laboratory of Doom that will shock you. All together this playset comes with 12 superheroes, their sidekicks, a super fast supercar and evil villains. Lots of evil villains! “Save the day every day with the Superhero Playset!” This very cool playset, published by Laurence King, is illustrated by cartoon artist and freelance […]

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This fold-out carousel titled The Superhero Adventure Playset is huge! Inside this pop-up book, that is a perfect stage for ultimate superhero battles, you’ll find three beautifully illustrated scenes: the awesome cityscape by night, the fearsome Fire Ice Caves that are too hot to handle, and the evil villain’s Laboratory of Doom that will shock you. All together this playset comes with 12 superheroes, their sidekicks, a super fast supercar and evil villains. Lots of evil villains!

“Save the day every day with the Superhero Playset!”

This very cool playset, published by Laurence King, is illustrated by cartoon artist and freelance illustrator Jason Ford. It’s a colorful and eye-popping pop-up book that contains everything you need to create and play your own superhero stories! Even though this title is a more basic pop-up book for kids, we really enjoyed the rich and colorful artwork. The scene’s are mostly build in box layers with details of parallel, v-fold and box pop-ups. It all works pretty solid what makes it very playable for kids.

The Superhero Adventure Playset

All the characters above are included in this book. One of the advantages of a carousel book is that it’s very compact when it’s closed. The characters are easy to build up and very easily to take apart and store in the envelope. Very handy when you’re traveling with your kids!

The Superhero Adventure Playset

The Superhero Adventure Playset is part of a series of four Superhero books. Together with this pop-up book there’s also a Superhero Handbook, Superhero Comic Kit and a Super Hero book for Super Heroes. So if you can’t get enough of this, make sure to check out the other books that are linked below this page. And for those who want to get started right away, on Laurence King’s website you’ll find cool and free PDF files from the Super Hero Comic kit.

About the Author:

Jason Ford has worked as a freelance illustrator since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1989. A diet of Tintin and Marvel comics as a child, and a continuing love of French and Belgian bandes dessinées have contributed to his approach to image making. His work has been commissioned by clients including Royal Mail, the New York Times, American Airlines, Orange, Penguin Books, Random House and the Guardian.

If you would like to know more about the artist Jason Ford, his art, projects and illustrations you should definitely take a look at Jason’s portfolio and visit his website at

Order at Amazon: The Superhero Adventure Playset

Author: Jason Ford
Published by Laurence King Publishing

More Superhero books by Jason Ford

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LEGO Pop-Up: A Journey through the LEGO Universe Tue, 21 Nov 2017 23:52:05 +0000 Dive into LEGO excitement with this spectacular pop-up book from New York Times best-selling paper engineer Matthew Reinhart. Part storybook, part comic strip, and all fun, LEGO Pop-Up tells the LEGO story with equal amounts of facts, laughs, and adventure using pop-ups, pull tabs, turning wheels, and more! With paper construction featuring LEGO Creator, Ninjago, City, Space, Castle, and other LEGO favorites, this “fun-formative” book will be a delight for both LEGO and pop-up fans alike. (Source: Order at Amazon: LEGO Pop-Up: A Journey through the LEGO Universe Paper engineering: Matthew Reinhart Publisher: Scholastic Inc About the Author Matthew Reinhart, […]

Het bericht LEGO Pop-Up: A Journey through the LEGO Universe verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


Dive into LEGO excitement with this spectacular pop-up book from New York Times best-selling paper engineer Matthew Reinhart. Part storybook, part comic strip, and all fun, LEGO Pop-Up tells the LEGO story with equal amounts of facts, laughs, and adventure using pop-ups, pull tabs, turning wheels, and more! With paper construction featuring LEGO Creator, Ninjago, City, Space, Castle, and other LEGO favorites, this “fun-formative” book will be a delight for both LEGO and pop-up fans alike. (Source:

LEGO Pop-Up Book

Order at Amazon: LEGO Pop-Up: A Journey through the LEGO Universe

Paper engineering: Matthew Reinhart
Publisher: Scholastic Inc

About the Author
Matthew Reinhart, also known as writer and paper engineer, developed a lot of pop-up books and picture books for children. He works and lives in New York City. Reinhart created several pop-up books including STAR WARS – Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy, DC COMICS Super Heroes – The Ultimate Pop-Up Book and Transformers – the Ultimate Pop-Up Universe.

More Pop-Up Books by Matthew Reinhart

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Paddington Pop-Up London Sat, 11 Nov 2017 23:51:09 +0000 We’re very excited to share with you this brand new pop-up title engineered by Keith Finch, based on the pop-up book from the Paddington 2 movie! In Paddington Pop-Up London we follow Paddington Bear who takes his Aunt Lucy on a journey trough the city of London. Just like in the movie, the city of London comes to life in this magical pop-up book and it all happens in front of your eyes. The Tower Bridge, St.Pauls and the Big Ben, it’s all in this London pop-up adventure! “London, where all dreams come true” Storyline Paddington 2: Paddington is happily […]

Het bericht Paddington Pop-Up London verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


We’re very excited to share with you this brand new pop-up title engineered by Keith Finch, based on the pop-up book from the Paddington 2 movie! In Paddington Pop-Up London we follow Paddington Bear who takes his Aunt Lucy on a journey trough the city of London. Just like in the movie, the city of London comes to life in this magical pop-up book and it all happens in front of your eyes. The Tower Bridge, St.Pauls and the Big Ben, it’s all in this London pop-up adventure!

“London, where all dreams come true”

Storyline Paddington 2:

Paddington is happily settled with the Brown family in Windsor Gardens, where he has become a popular member of the community, spreading joy and marmalade wherever he goes. While searching for the perfect present for his beloved Aunt Lucy’s 100th birthday, Paddington spots a unique pop-up book in Mr. Gruber’s antique shop, and embarks upon a series of odd jobs to buy it. But when the book is stolen, it’s up to Paddington and the Browns to unmask the thief. – Source: IMDB

Paddington Pop-Up London

This pop-up book is a collectors edition based on the original book from the movie, engineered by David Hawcock. Paddington Pop-Up London is a must-have for fans of Paddington and what a great introduction to pop-up books!

Order at Amazon: Paddington Pop-Up London

Paper engineering: Keith Finch
Original pop-up concept by David Hawcock

Illustrations: Joanna Bill & Olga Baumert
Published by HarperCollins

More pop-up books about London

Het bericht Paddington Pop-Up London verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.
