Keith Allen, auteur op Best Pop-up Books Discover a new world of 3D books Wed, 20 Sep 2017 17:07:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Keith Allen about What a Mess! Tue, 06 Sep 2016 13:31:22 +0000 Keith Allen is an illustrator, designer and paper engineer who lives in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife and children. He lives a busy life, working as a product designer at American Greetings, and works on his personal projects at night. Keith comes from a creative family and got into the self-publishing world a couple of years ago with the launch of a wonderful pop-up book called A Day in Rehoboth Beach. Keith, his grandmother Joanne DeFiore and his brother Brian Allen created this pop-up book about their favorite summer destination Rehoboth Beach. We had the opportunity to ask Keith a few questions […]

Het bericht Keith Allen about What a Mess! verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


Keith Allen is an illustrator, designer and paper engineer who lives in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife and children. He lives a busy life, working as a product designer at American Greetings, and works on his personal projects at night. Keith comes from a creative family and got into the self-publishing world a couple of years ago with the launch of a wonderful pop-up book called A Day in Rehoboth Beach. Keith, his grandmother Joanne DeFiore and his brother Brian Allen created this pop-up book about their favorite summer destination Rehoboth Beach.

We had the opportunity to ask Keith a few questions about his latest pop-up book What a Mess!

BPUB – We have been able to follow your 5am project from the start and we’ve seen the What a Mess! pop-up book develop from rough concepts into a complete and advanced pop-up book. From what point did you decide  to publish this book?

KA – Thank you so much for following along in the process! Self-Publishing was always in the back of my mind because I’ve done it before and knew that it could be done, but honestly in the beginning, I just really wanted to make something that I could be proud of. As the process went along, I was gaining more and more followers and being really encouraged. It was really neat seeing peoples reactions and I knew that I had to get this book out into the world.

“It’s cool how everything kind of fell into place with this book”

Keith Allen

BPUB – There’s a large diversity of different pop-up techniques used in What a Mess! The illustrations and paper animation also fit perfectly with the story. Can you tell us more about the engineering and animation techniques that you’ve used for this book?

KA – Thanks! It’s cool how everything kind of fell into place with this book. I’m always jotting down book ideas in sketchbooks, but this one just really resonated with me and kept me interested. From the first draft of the story, I could visualize a lot of the page spreads. Not every story works well with pop-ups and vice versa, but I felt this one worked really well in the format. I just loved the idea of the chaos and mess rising and falling from the pages, and that the only thing holding it back was the book cover.

BPUB – We are impressed with how you achieved to make “a mess” look so beautiful. Was it hard to find a style that fits both the story and the paper engineering?

KA – In a nutshell, the process worked like this: I finished the first rough draft of the story which determined my page count and how many spreads. Then I started sketching, and doing character development. I chose to illustrate them in a very flat but colorful style so it would feel almost like cut paper. Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart are huge inspirations to me and their art-styles work so great with paper-engineering because they don’t compete with the pop-ups. I wanted to achieve that same balance. Once my art style was determined, I started the paper-engineering process and worked out all seven spreads before illustrating. I have done a lot of jobs in the past where I work with an illustrator and I just provide them with the paper-engineering. Depending on the illustrator, this process can work beautifully– but I think you can achieve an even greater result when the illustrator IS the paper-engineer because they are so familiar with the pop-ups and can complete the initial creative vision of the spread

BPUB – What a Mess! is inspired by the everyday adventures of your children. Did they give you any feedback about the story or illustrations?

KA – Haha, yes they were very involved. I made sure that I shared with them during the whole process. I tested out a lot of jokes with them, let them help pick out their characters outfits, and also choose what toys went into each scene. I’ve also hidden a lot of little easter eggs throughout the book which makes this book very special for them.

BPUB – You’ve engineered this book, made the illustrations, wrote the story and did a lot more like your website, downloads, social media channels and tutorials on YouTube. Did this project grow on you or did you have all of this in mind from the start?

KA – LOL, It definitely grew on me. It’s been a learning experience, that is for sure, but a fantastic one. It really forced me out of my comfort zone. I learned that creating the product is really only half the battle, and that there is a whole other side that I knew very little about. But it’s been great, I have found that marketing can be just as creative as building the product. It’s also allowed me to really connect and engage with my followers which has been such an encouragement. It definitely makes you appreciate the amount of work that goes into a project like this, on the creative side and the business side.

BPUB – It’s unique how you created a world around What a Mess! with it’s own style and branding. It gives more depth to the book and the characters itself. Do you have any plans to continue with the characters and this “brand” of Messy Pop-up? Is there a chance that this will be a series?

KA – Thanks! I have spent a lot of time with these characters, and have really enjoyed building and developing them as the project progressed. There is always a chance, that would just depend on if I had another story that worked really well with them.  I’m hoping they’ll stick around awhile!

BPUB – What’s the first thing you’ll do when your project reaches its Kickstarter goal?

KA – I’ll probably get back to work, haha! I’ll be so thrilled if that happens, but there is still a lot to do! First thing is to get the book off to manufacturing because that can take a while to produce and then I’ll need to finalize all the rewards. But, probably the first thing I’ll do is celebrate with my family. They’ve been so supportive of this venture and I really couldn’t have done it without them. We’ll have a pizza and Ice-cream sundae party and stay up until 11:00pm!

BPUB – Thank you Keith! We wish you the best of luck with your project. We can hardly wait to see this wonderful pop-up book being published!

Support Keith’s What a Mess! pop-up book project on Kickstarter.

Go to our video review of What a Mess! A Pop-up Misadventure
Got to our What a Mess! Kickstarter special


Het bericht Keith Allen about What a Mess! verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.

What a Mess! A Pop-Up Misadventure Tue, 06 Sep 2016 13:21:30 +0000 Het bericht What a Mess! A Pop-Up Misadventure verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.


What a Mess! A Pop-Up Misadventure is a bright and colorful pop-up book filled with complex paper engineering and lots of details. The stunning artwork and colorful patterns make every page a delight to look at and the variety of different pop-up techniques is impressive!

What a Mess! tells us the story of a brother and sister who can’t keep their mess under control and eventually find themselves on a misadventure that they will not soon forget. The story starts with a closet, packed full with toys, that explodes. An adventure unfolds with a toy mountain that rapidly grows, funky smelling stuff and a real dust-nado must also be survived. Will they ever get their mess cleaned up? The rhyming form of storytelling makes it fun to read. The inspiration for What a Mess! pop-up book came from Keith’s two children and their ever-growing mess.

This pop-up book is well made and shows some very effective paper animation like a rotating swirl, flipping doors and an explosion of toys. Every pop-up in this book pops-in and out very solid and is very detailed. Combined with the artwork, you’ll see a strong effect of depth on every page that makes it fun to look at the pop-ups from multiple angles.

About the author

Keith Allen is an illustrator, designer and paper engineer who lives in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife and children. He lives a busy life, working as a product designer at American Greetings, and works on his personal projects at night. Keith comes from a creative family and got into the self-publishing world a couple of years ago with the launch of a wonderful pop-up book called A Day in Rehoboth Beach. Keith, his grandmother Joanne DeFiore and his brother Brian Allen created this pop-up book about their favorite summer destination Rehoboth Beach.

We’ve asked Keith Allen some questions about his project What a Mess!. Continue to the interview…

Keith Allen sent us a unique and signed copy of the What a Mess! pop-up book. During the process of designing and creating this pop-up book, Keith has assembled three hand-made prototype books and the one showing in our video review and photo gallery is the very first copy he made.


More adventurous pop-up books

Het bericht What a Mess! A Pop-Up Misadventure verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.

What a Mess! launched on Kickstarter Mon, 05 Sep 2016 14:43:11 +0000 We have exciting news! Starting today, you can fund Keith Allen’s pop-up book project What a Mess! on Kickstarter. As you may know, we are fans of Keith’s work and all we hope for is that this wonderful pop-up book reaches its funding goal. By making a pre-order, you’ll help Keith to make his ambitious project become reality and maybe one day a copy of this wonderful pop-up book will be yours! In this special we will take a closer look at What a Mess! We also have a page-by-page video review, new gallery photo’s and an interview with Keith Allen.

Het bericht What a Mess! launched on Kickstarter verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.

We have exciting news! Starting today, you can fund Keith Allen’s pop-up book project What a Mess! on Kickstarter. As you may know, we are fans of Keith’s work and all we hope for is that this wonderful pop-up book reaches its funding goal. By making a pre-order, you’ll help Keith to make his ambitious project become reality and maybe one day a copy of this wonderful pop-up book will be yours! In this special we will take a closer look at What a Mess! We also have a page-by-page video review, new gallery photo’s and an interview with Keith Allen.

For an independent publisher like Keith, Kickstarter is a great opportunity to add new pop-up titles to the market. For us collectors, it’s a great opportunity to add a unique and collectable pop-up book to our collections. There are different ways to back this project: pledge for a product to order or just donate to help Keith reach his goal. The Kickstarter campaign will run for 30 days and offers limited-edition deals for backers and even the chance to win a one-of-kind artist book!

Kickstarter campaign link: What a Mess! A Pop-up Misadventure
Or visit for more information.

What a Mess! A Pop-Up Misadventure is a bright and colorful pop-up book filled with complex paper engineering and lots of details. The stunning artwork and colorful patterns make every page a delight to look at and the variety of different pop-up techniques is impressive!

What a Mess! tells us the story of a brother and sister who can’t keep their mess under control and eventually find themselves on a misadventure that they will not soon forget. The story starts with a closet, packed full with toys, that explodes. An adventure unfolds with a toy mountain that rapidly grows, funky smelling stuff and a real dust-nado must also be survived. Will they ever get their mess cleaned up? The rhyming form of storytelling makes it fun to read. The inspiration for What a Mess! pop-up book came from Keith’s two children and their ever-growing mess.What-a-mess-pop-up-spread-1-v2

This pop-up book is well made and shows some very effective paper animation like a rotating swirl, flipping doors and an explosion of toys. Every pop-up in this book pops-in and out very solid and is very detailed. Combined with the artwork, you’ll see a strong effect of depth on every page that makes it fun to look at the pop-ups from multiple angles.

About the author

Keith Allen is an illustrator, designer and paper engineer who lives in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife and children. He lives a busy life, working as a product designer at American Greetings, and works on his personal projects at night. Keith comes from a creative family and got into the self-publishing world a couple of years ago with the launch of a wonderful pop-up book called A Day in Rehoboth Beach. Keith, his grandmother Joanne DeFiore and his brother Brian Allen created this pop-up book about their favorite summer destination Rehoboth Beach.

Keith Allen sent us a unique and signed copy of the What a Mess! pop-up book. During the process of designing and creating this pop-up book, Keith has assembled three hand-made prototype books and the one showing in our video review and photo gallery is the very first copy he made.

Interview Keith Allen

We had the opportunity to ask Keith a few questions about his book:

BPUB – We have been able to follow your 5am project from the start and we’ve seen the What a Mess! pop-up book develop from rough concepts into a complete and advanced pop-up book. From what point did you decide  to publish this book?

KA – Thank you so much for following along in the process! Self-Publishing was always in the back of my mind because I’ve done it before and knew that it could be done, but honestly in the beginning, I just really wanted to make something that I could be proud of. As the process went along, I was gaining more and more followers and being really encouraged. It was really neat seeing peoples reactions and I knew that I had to get this book out into the world.

“It’s cool how everything kind of fell into place with this book”

Keith Allen

BPUB – There’s a large diversity of different pop-up techniques used in What a Mess! The illustrations and paper animation also fit perfectly with the story. Can you tell us more about the engineering and animation techniques that you’ve used for this book?

KA – Thanks! It’s cool how everything kind of fell into place with this book. I’m always jotting down book ideas in sketchbooks, but this one just really resonated with me and kept me interested. From the first draft of the story, I could visualize a lot of the page spreads. Not every story works well with pop-ups and vice versa, but I felt this one worked really well in the format. I just loved the idea of the chaos and mess rising and falling from the pages, and that the only thing holding it back was the book cover.

BPUB – We are impressed with how you achieved to make “a mess” look so beautiful. Was it hard to find a style that fits both the story and the paper engineering?

KA – In a nutshell, the process worked like this: I finished the first rough draft of the story which determined my page count and how many spreads. Then I started sketching, and doing character development. I chose to illustrate them in a very flat but colorful style so it would feel almost like cut paper. Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart are huge inspirations to me and their art-styles work so great with paper-engineering because they don’t compete with the pop-ups. I wanted to achieve that same balance. Once my art style was determined, I started the paper-engineering process and worked out all seven spreads before illustrating. I have done a lot of jobs in the past where I work with an illustrator and I just provide them with the paper-engineering. Depending on the illustrator, this process can work beautifully– but I think you can achieve an even greater result when the illustrator IS the paper-engineer because they are so familiar with the pop-ups and can complete the initial creative vision of the spread

BPUB – What a Mess! is inspired by the everyday adventures of your children. Did they give you any feedback about the story or illustrations?

KA – Haha, yes they were very involved. I made sure that I shared with them during the whole process. I tested out a lot of jokes with them, let them help pick out their characters outfits, and also choose what toys went into each scene. I’ve also hidden a lot of little easter eggs throughout the book which makes this book very special for them.

BPUB – You’ve engineered this book, made the illustrations, wrote the story and did a lot more like your website, downloads, social media channels and tutorials on YouTube. Did this project grow on you or did you have all of this in mind from the start?

KA – LOL, It definitely grew on me. It’s been a learning experience, that is for sure, but a fantastic one. It really forced me out of my comfort zone. I learned that creating the product is really only half the battle, and that there is a whole other side that I knew very little about. But it’s been great, I have found that marketing can be just as creative as building the product. It’s also allowed me to really connect and engage with my followers which has been such an encouragement. It definitely makes you appreciate the amount of work that goes into a project like this, on the creative side and the business side.

BPUB – It’s unique how you created a world around What a Mess! with it’s own style and branding. It gives more depth to the book and the characters itself. Do you have any plans to continue with the characters and this “brand” of Messy Pop-up? Is there a chance that this will be a series?

KA – Thanks! I have spent a lot of time with these characters, and have really enjoyed building and developing them as the project progressed. There is always a chance, that would just depend on if I had another story that worked really well with them.  I’m hoping they’ll stick around awhile!

BPUB – What’s the first thing you’ll do when your project reaches its Kickstarter goal?

KA – I’ll probably get back to work, haha! I’ll be so thrilled if that happens, but there is still a lot to do! First thing is to get the book off to manufacturing because that can take a while to produce and then I’ll need to finalize all the rewards. But, probably the first thing I’ll do is celebrate with my family. They’ve been so supportive of this venture and I really couldn’t have done it without them. We’ll have a pizza and Ice-cream sundae party and stay up until 11:00pm!

BPUB – Thank you Keith! We wish you the best of luck with your project. We can hardly wait to see this wonderful pop-up book being published!

Support Keith’s What a Mess! pop-up book project on Kickstarter.

Het bericht What a Mess! launched on Kickstarter verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.

Advanced pop-up tutorials by Keith Allen Wed, 25 May 2016 20:39:26 +0000 If you want to learn more about paper engineering and how some techniques work, you can now find some great video’s on YouTube made by Keith Allen. We’ve already introduced you to Keith Allen, talented artist and paper engineer who’s working at his newest pop-up book What a mess. Lucky for us,  Keith shares the progress of his 5am project and the development of What a mess on his social media channels. It’s amazing to see a project like this grow into an impressive and advanced engineered pop-up book. Not only the artwork is amazing but the diversity of used […]

Het bericht Advanced pop-up tutorials by Keith Allen verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.

If you want to learn more about paper engineering and how some techniques work, you can now find some great video’s on YouTube made by Keith Allen. We’ve already introduced you to Keith Allen, talented artist and paper engineer who’s working at his newest pop-up book What a mess. Lucky for us,  Keith shares the progress of his 5am project and the development of What a mess on his social media channels. It’s amazing to see a project like this grow into an impressive and advanced engineered pop-up book. Not only the artwork is amazing but the diversity of used pop-up techniques for the main spreads makes this book even better and more impressive. We will let you know when you can order this pop-up book yourself. We can’t wait to review What a Mess for our website and YouTube channel.

How to make angle folds

How to make a pop-up book

We will have to be patient and until that time we can enjoy some insights about how this book is build. Keith has published a series of interesting tutorials for the more experienced paper engineers about how to engineer techniques like angle folds, building platforms, tabs and sliders. This is not your usual “how to make a birds beak” or “stage that pops out” tutorial. This is a closer and more technical look at how complicated pop-ups are build and how they work.

Sliders and Tabs

Opposing angle folds

Mini-tutorial Coils

3D box with platform

Platform and angle folds

Angle Fold Box

Don’t forget to subscribe to Keiths YouTube channel and you’ll be updated about his upcoming projects and tutorials. Highly recommended for (beginning) paper engineers!

Het bericht Advanced pop-up tutorials by Keith Allen verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.

Meet Keith Allen! Mon, 08 Feb 2016 22:44:59 +0000 BestPopUpBooks would like to introduce to you, Keith Allen, an illustrator, designer and paper engineer who lives in Cleveland, Ohio with his lovely wife and children. Keith lives a busy life working as a designer at American Greetings by day and working on his personal projects by night. At 5am in the morning it’s time to get up and work on his childrens books! Currently he is putting the finishing touches to his second pop-up book What a Mess, a cheerful and colorful pop-up book for children filled with wonderful illustrations and cool pop-up scenes. The book is now in […]

Het bericht Meet Keith Allen! verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.

BestPopUpBooks would like to introduce to you, Keith Allen, an illustrator, designer and paper engineer who lives in Cleveland, Ohio with his lovely wife and children. Keith lives a busy life working as a designer at American Greetings by day and working on his personal projects by night. At 5am in the morning it’s time to get up and work on his childrens books!

Currently he is putting the finishing touches to his second pop-up book What a Mess, a cheerful and colorful pop-up book for children filled with wonderful illustrations and cool pop-up scenes. The book is now in final stages and if you’ve become curious already, you can follow the entire project from start to finish on instagram at 5am_popup!

What a Mess pop-up book What a Mess pop-up book What a Mess pop-up book

Keith comes from a creative family and he has published a pop-up book earlier in 2012 together with his grandmother Joanne DeFiore and his brother Brian Allen. They’ve created a beautifully illustrated and designed pop-up book about their favorite summer destination, Rehoboth Beach. A Day in Rehoboth Beach guides you through all the famous spots of Rehoboth and is an absolute must have for those who love to visit or live in Rehoboth Beach! Visit By The Bay Books for more information.

We are very excited about the What a Mess pop-up book and we can’t wait to see the final result! Until then, we amuse ourselves with the beautiful photos and videos that Keith regularly posts on his Facebook and YouTube channel.

For more info about Keith or his pop-up book projects visit his website at


Het bericht Meet Keith Allen! verscheen eerst op Best Pop-up Books.
