As it is more or less the circus currently in our lives, I thought it would be good to go see what happens in the animated books where clowns, acrobats, tamers and other magicians are not the puppets of our news…
And there, to my greatest satisfaction, I found the soul of the real circus. The one who lives in our childhood and accompanies us throughout life.
Under the big top, on the track, the paper artists are very present and play by pop-up or pull tabs interposed to make us laugh, astonish us, dazzle us.
Due to lack of space, I was not able to fully deploy in my window the 6 three-dimensional effect scenes from the reissue of the famous “Grand international circus” allowing to recreate the circus enclosure with its acrobats, horses, orchestra, its spectators, etc ... centerpiece of the work of Lothar Meggendorfer published for the first time in 1887.
But "Magic Circus Tour", the large, more contemporary carousel by artist Gérard Lo Monaco, placed on a motorized stage, does not stop turning there.
While there are many animated books dealing with the circus, it should be noted that they are often very inventive, a bit like the shows they illustrate and it is a real pleasure to marvel at them.